OSx86 Project


I havent updated the blog in a few weeks. Ive been very busy with a new project. My friend just got a new Dell laptop. He is moving away next week and wanted to know if its possible to run Garageband on a pc. Its not. But you can run Mac OSX on a pc. So I looked into that. This website has all the info you will need:


But its not that simple. You need a computer with components that are similar to an Intel mac. You DONT have to, but it will make things a lot easier.

Dell Mini 10v

In the link above you see how to take a very cheap Dell Mini and run a retail copy of OSX on it. But other laptops and computers may not be so easy. I started on my Dell M1210 first. And after a few days I am now tri booting XP, Win7 and Osx 10.5.6. But its not flawless. I dont have the bootloader working perfect. As I work more on my friends Dell 1318 I will post back with how I got things running and what all works. Thats if I can do it. =)

1 comment:

q254 said...

Cool stuff. You should post pics of your progress and the laptops you mentioned.