Mpc 3000 LE #0711

Well I started off last year with the Sega New Net City conversion I did:

Cell's NNC

This year we start with a new sampler. Well new to me. It is actually quite old.
The Akai Mpc 3000 was originally made 1994:

This is the rereleased LE version made in 2000. #0711 of 2000 made.


Cell's Mpc 3000 LE

Ive already taken it apart and gave it a good cleaning. Then I ordered 32mb of ram to upgrade from 16mb. Ordered a new backlight for the screen as the current one is quite dim. And finally the 2 biggest upgrades you can do to the Mpc 3000:

1. I guy named Rohan has actually created his own custom OS for the 3000. It adds some really nice features:

2. I put in an internal SCSI Flash drive in it. So it can read and write to a compact flash card instead of a floppy or zip.

Now we will see what kind of beats I can make on it.